Why is Bitcoin Pizza Day celebrated?

"Bitcoin Pizza Day" is celebrated on May 22nd each year to commemorate the first documented transaction in history where Bitcoin was used as a means of payment. On May 22nd, 2010, a programmer named Laszlo Hanyecz made a deal on a Bitcoin forum offering 10,000 Bitcoins in exchange for someone to send him two pizzas. At that time, Bitcoins did not have significant value, and Hanyecz simply wanted to demonstrate that they could be used as a form of payment.

Un usuario llamado «Jercos» aceptó la oferta y ordenó las pizzas de Papa John’s para que se las enviaran a Hanyecz. Esta transacción marcó un hito importante en la historia de Bitcoin, ya que fue la primera vez que se utilizó la criptomoneda como medio de intercambio en una transacción comercial.

Today, Bitcoin Pizza Day is celebrated as a symbolic reminder of that historic moment and to highlight the evolution and adoption of Bitcoin as a form of payment in the world of cryptocurrencies. Additionally, it is also an opportunity to reflect on the value and impact that Bitcoin has had on the digital economy.

Why is Bitcoin Pizza Day celebrated?